Fog Bank
- At October 22, 2016
- By Amber
- In Studio Journal
Fog Bank
“For a moment he seemed impressed with the speaking loneliness of the scene, or rather with the complete abstraction from all its compass of the sights and sounds of man. Human shapes, interferences, troubles, and joys were all as if they were not, and there seemed to be on the shaded hemisphere of the globe no sentient being save himself; he could fancy them all gone round to the sunny side” Thomas Hardy – Far from the Madding Crowd
Fog Bank is a piece I have been working on over the last month. I submitted it for a call out titled “Boxed Sanctuary”. The exterior is made from reclaimed wood and the interior is a collection of miscellaneous objects and poured acrylic paint on clear sheets of plastic.
The call out asked the artist to address what sanctuary means to them. When I think of sanctuary, I think of the fog. It arrives in August and it is the antidote to the bright, bleaching, high contrast colours of summer. Colours become muted, they start to merge together; it is a soft blanket for my eyes. It dampens sound and comes with its own murmuring shush.
Fog Bank asks you to look inside, away from exterior distractions and cast yourself adrift in the shapes and colours that reside there.
Judy T